Raspberry Pi in Amateur Radio

Another excellent talk was delivered by Dale – 2W0ODS when he covered how to use a Raspberry Pi in amateur radio, especially focussing on their use in digital coms when coupled with Pi-Star software. Dale demonstrated everything you might need to know when using a RPi and PiStar: from downloading and obtaining the image to … Read more

Huge Congratulations are in order -for Iolo

Everyone here at NARS would like to offer their congratulations to Iolo, grandson of new NARS member Alun Jones (2W0EUO) who at just 12 years old, took just 20 minutes this evening to pass his RSGB Foundation license examination! We would all like to offer you a huge round of applause, Iolo, on passing your … Read more

A Couple of Hours of RotA

Well, it really was very much a last minute thing, and so with just 24 hours notice several members of the club managed to attend the clubhouse for a few hours on Saturday afternoon to participate in the annual Railways on the Air event, organised by the Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur Club. So we managed … Read more

Dispelling the Myths of RTTY

Wonderful presentation at club yesterday evening by Steve, GW4OGO which was all about a mode used perhaps less frequently than CW or SSB, which is that of RTTY. Steve explained how to go about setting up your radio (NARS’ IC-7300 for our demo), together with the software required to link to it to be able … Read more