NARS Participate in CQ WW Contest in memory of Steve Cole, GW4BLE

This weekend sees the annual CQWW Contest in which many thousands of amateur radio enthusiasts participate in across the globe, and is one of the busiest contests in the calendar. This year, NARS wanted to participate in memory of a much loved and respected club member, now SK, Steve Cole – GW4BLE.

Steve – GW4BLE

Steve was highly respected and much loved amateur radio enthusiast both as a member of NARS and by fellow operators across the world. He was an avid contester and regularly featured in the top 3 of many global contests, often in winning position. The last contest Steve participated in was the 2016 CQ WW Contest and as such NARS members participated in the 2023 CQ WW Contest today in memory of Steve. Ross – GW3NWS – very kindly offered the use of his home station for us to operate.

GW3NWS, GW6HRU, GW4OGO and GW3JVB used a combination of beam and doublet antennas on 20M using the absolutely excellent ICOM IC7851 transceiver – what a piece of kit that is! We were on air from around 10:00 through to 16:00 and a very successful few hours were very much enjoyed by all.

GW3JVB Edit: I didn’t have the pleasure of ever meeting Steve as I joined NARS later in the year following his passing, however it is abundantly clear to me that Steve was a hugely loved and respected member of NARS. I have watched many videos of Steve enthusiastically participating in contests with members of NARS, always an enjoyable thing to see. Though I never met Steve, comments from club members and videos on social media have created an image of a wonderful amateur radio enthusiast who I would certainly loved to have met in person. His memory and presence continues in your words and comments. John

RIP Steve.


1 thought on “NARS Participate in CQ WW Contest in memory of Steve Cole, GW4BLE”

  1. Well done guys. Steve GW4BLE was a great friend. I only got to know him for a short while, but he always had time for everyone, including those new to the hobby. I had a great time with him and a couple of his friends up on Edmunds tump operating the SMG 6m contest in the middle of 2016. Later I helped him stay on the air by using an IC-7100 in his loft shack, and a remote head downstairs when he found it difficult to climb up there. He passed away later that same year. His enthusiasm for all things Radio was infectious. I miss him dearly. MW0LGE


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