Foundation Licence

The Foundation license serves as your entry point into the world of amateur radio. The course and examination leading to this license offer an engaging introduction to the hobby while ensuring a basic level of proficiency and experience.

With your Foundation license, duly recognized by the UK communications authority Ofcom, you gain access to a unique callsign, essential for identification during transmissions. These Foundation courses are typically held locally, fostering a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and are facilitated by seasoned radio enthusiasts, often within a local radio club setting.

The training primarily focuses on practical aspects, with a minor emphasis on radio and electronics theory—just enough to grasp essentials like selecting appropriate fuses for your equipment and constructing antennas for optimal radio performance.

Don’t let the idea of taking an exam deter you. The Foundation examination is straightforward, comprising 26 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 55 minutes. Your paper is promptly assessed by the invigilator immediately following the exam, eliminating any prolonged waiting period to ascertain your results.