Building 2M & 4M Cubical Quad antennas

On a few occasions preceding our short Easter Break, Roger – GW6HRU has built two cubical quad antennas at club: a 2M and a 4M, which I know was extremely interesting to many members. For anyone interested in reading a little (actually – a lot!!) more about how Roger prepares, builds and tests these antennas, … Read more

Using a PC to connect to digital modes

An excellent presentation this evening by our very one Chris – 2W0OGY – on how to use your PC to connect to any of the digital modes – YSF, D-Star or DMR to communicate anywhere! Using a simple DV Mega Stick 30 available from emporiums at the end of the M4, together with the Windows … Read more

We have a Top SotA chaser amongst us!

Congratulations to John Stevenson, 2W0ILQ who has recently moved to the top of the SOTA leaderboard in Wales for CW contacts made so far this year, 2024. As of today he is 16 QSO’s in front – keep up the acceleration, John. Congrats from us all at NARS. Nice one!

Raspberry Pi in Amateur Radio

Another excellent talk was delivered by Dale – 2W0ODS when he covered how to use a Raspberry Pi in amateur radio, especially focussing on their use in digital coms when coupled with Pi-Star software. Dale demonstrated everything you might need to know when using a RPi and PiStar: from downloading and obtaining the image to … Read more

2m HobNob Challenge Results

Well, much excitement and trepidation was in abundance at a packed NARS clubhouse last week for the much anticipated results of Chris’s 2M HobNob biscuit challenge. With well over 250 QSO’s made by club members on 2M over the last week I think it’s fair to say the event was a huge success. Chris – … Read more

Great Turnout and the Hermes Lite + Thetis

What a fantastic turnout last night folks, 20 members present at club with several more offering their apologies for the evening. It really is great to see so many of us enjoying good company, together with a cup of Dougs super brew and what can only be described as an enormous selection of biscuits! Talking … Read more