Fancy some fun on 2M…?

Update from Chris: THE RULES The Contest will start after Midnight Thursday 22nd February and is open to members only. The only Mode of TX is Simplex on Two Meters (points can be gained by being on the weekly net 145.375 Tuesday evening). One point per contact. The same contact can only be used once … Read more

Newport MPs Visit Our Club QTH

To celebrate the (un)official opening of our new QTH, during the evening of May 4th members of Newport Amateur Radio Society welcomed Jessica Morden (MP, Newport East) and Ruth Jones (MP, Newport West) to our club. We have been at our new premises at the community hall of the Tabernacle Chapel, Rhiwderin for two months … Read more

Special Event GB4NPT

GB4NPT – to commemorate 20 years of Newport, South Wales, gaining City Status. Newport (Casnewedd, in Welsh), which is located in the South East corner of Wales was granted full city status by HRH Queen Elizabeth II during her Golden Jubilee anniversary year in 2002. More details on our QRZ page : 73 !

Christmas Party 2020

2020 has got off to a good start with the annual Christmas Party which was held this year at the “Old Barn Inn” Langstone. It was good to see the members again after the Christmas & New Year break especially Bob and Carol.

RSGB SSB 2019 Field Day Results

Well, after another great event the results are in for the RSGB SSB Field Day. We came 5th in our section, from 29 stations, and just 200 points behind 4th place. An amazing achievement considering we were operating from a new untested location. A field next to the River Monnow just outside the small village of … Read more


We will be operating GB0EUL from the East Usk Lighthouse on Saturday 17th August for the International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend. We are aiming to be on air from around 9am local onward, using 40m through to 10m, conditions permitting. Fingers crossed the wind doesn’t blow everything away ! Note: Unfortunately we will be unable … Read more


Pubs and Clubs On The Air Operate some radio with a bar at arm’s reach. That sounds like a fantastic idea ! Newport Amateur Radio Society teamed up with Chepstow and District Amateur Radio Society to operate special call GB0CAC on Sunday 12th for PACOTA at the Chepstow Athletic Club. We were greeted with glorious … Read more

RSGB SSB National Field Day 2018

GW8GT/P SSB RSGB Field Day Contest Newport Amateur Radio Society 1st/2nd September 2018 1300-1300 UTC Low Power Unassisted Portable We are again operating from the field next to the West Usk Lighthouse access road, Newport. We are planning to set up the masts sometime in the afternoon of Friday 31st. We will then arrive early … Read more