How to connect to Dales XLX135 – especially if you have the Yaesu FT70D

Several members in club have recently been discussing using their radios to join a digital net run/attended by Chris – 2W0OGY on Monday evenings. Dale – 2W0ODS, has set up a reflector – XLX135 – which anyone can use for this purpose, and he has also documented an extremely detailed guide discussing how to set up your FT70D to connect to XLX135 using PiStar.

Despite there being a new release of PiStar since Dale originally drafted this document, Dale assures me the set up process is the same and the document can still be referred to when setting up your FT70D (or any other radio with digital capability) for use with this reflector.

So, no excuses now!

Here’s the document… cheers Dale!

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