Great Turnout and the Hermes Lite + Thetis

What a fantastic turnout last night folks, 20 members present at club with several more offering their apologies for the evening. It really is great to see so many of us enjoying good company, together with a cup of Dougs super brew and what can only be described as an enormous selection of biscuits!

Talking of biscuits… don’t forget about the 2M fun contest that Chris – 2W0OGY is organising – see the previous news item on the NARS www site for further information.

There has been a fair bit of interest regarding the Hermes Lite 2 of late, with several members already having purchased one and it appears following yesterdays ad-hoc demo on the outstanding Thetis application used to control the HL2, there may be one or two more looking to purchase as well.

For those who may not be aware, Thetis is the application used primarily by Apache-Labs Anan owners to control their range of transceivers, and is developed by our very own Richie – MW0LGE. Richie is a huge part of the small global development team for this excellent open source application, his significant contributions in the form of feature enhancements and improvements to the existing code base have allowed Thetis to become one of the worlds foremost SDR applications.

In addition to controlling the Anan range of transceivers, Thetis is also the software of choice of many for their Hermes Lite 2, and a brief presentation last night by John GW3JVB demonstrated the impressive capabilities of what can be accomplished when pairing Thetis with this low cost (approx £280) SDR transceiver. If anyone wants further information on Thetis or the Hermes Lite 2, just ask on the NARS WhatsApp chat page, or ask one of our members who have already purchased the HL2… Steve GW4OGO, Gareth MW1DCF, John GW3JVB or Richie MW0LGE (who doesn’t have a HL2, but does write the code for it!!).

Thetis screenshot

Great night last night folks, thanks to you all for your enthusiastic attendance.

1 thought on “Great Turnout and the Hermes Lite + Thetis”

  1. Hi to John and thanks for the off the cuff talk yesterday evening. I will give a brief info talk on our Fun 2 meter contest next Thursday evening and hopefully get operators back on and using VHF FM Simplex.


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